Could Mining

Best Could Mining Bot

  • Mesozoic Era(started august of 2019, I Recommend this 100%, Take Your own Risk)

Efforts  Medium

Income – Medium -High

Risk – Medium - High

The legendary admin Alex Karnegi's second project.
He started his first project called Dinopark on 2016 and still it paying.
In august of 2019 he stoped getting new members to dinopark project and he  lunched a new project callled Mesozoic Era. Based on ETH.
You can't withdraw ETH without deposit.
Minimum withdraw 0.01eth

How can I earn in Mesozoic Era Game?

This is the most frequently asked question to us.
:book: And we made a short guide how to get profit from Mesozoic Era Game.
:white_small_square: 1) The first you need is start-up capital.Top up your balance to get some :moneybag: and ⚜.We recommend you start from 25-100$ but you can deposit any amount you wish.

:white_small_square: 2) Buy common Dinos and VIP Dinos. VIP Dinos are very important, they mine payout points you must have to withdraw.
The more ⚜ you have, the more money you can withdraw.
The more ⚜ you have, the more money you can withdraw.
The more ⚜ you have, the more money you can withdraw.

:white_small_square: 3) Collect profit from your Dinosaurs every day and withdraw your Ethereum.
:white_small_square: 4) Reinvest some profit in new VIP Dinos to get more ETH.

:white_small_square: 5) Enjoy your best investment you ever made.

:white_small_square: 6) Deposit when promo bonuses are active.

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